If you would like to book Andy for an event (concert / house show / conference / festival, etc.) just E-mail him.
Some Q&A with myself about booking events:
Q: How do I book you for an event?
A: E-mail me and tell me about what you have in mind. I don’t have “people”. I will check the calendar to see if we can work it out.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: For you, self, $50,000. But it is way cheaper for other people. Actually I don’t like putting figures up here but I will tell you under one condition: You have to understand that my desire to play for you greater than my desire to always get my asking price. So if it doesn’t fit into your budget, there might be some wiggle room. If it is way under your budget, you are welcome to pay me more. This figure is just a mixture of the low end of a normal rate for something like this and the amount of money I need to justify leaving my wife at home with three little kids. So if you understand that stuff, then read on. My normal asking price is $3500 honorarium plus travel/lodging expenses. But like I said, depending on availability, day of the week, and if there are other shows I can book around it – there can be some wiggle room if need be. Don’t be afraid to ask. The worst that could happen is that I would be terribly insulted and will never speak to you again. (That hasn’t happened … yet)
Q: What kind of shows do you do?
A: All sorts. Some are regular concerts in theaters, churches, clubs or other venues. Some are house concerts. Some performances are at retreats or conferences. Pretty much I will go play wherever people will sit quietly and listen to the stuff I made up.
Q: What are these house concerts you speak of?
A: House concerts are just what they sound like. They are concerts in a house. What I like about them is that they create an intimate environment that is great for telling stories and sharing songs. They are usually in someone’s living room with the furniture arranged to fit between 20-60 folks. There is usually no sound system (and that is a good thing). It is usually best not to have many kids there – because they are set up for quiet listening crowds who like to listen to music and hear stories. Many times when I do house concerts, people want them to be bigger and want to move them outside. That is a big mistake. If you are going to have a house concert, you need a quiet indoor place that is free of distractions. If you have any other questions about them, send me an e-mail.
Q: What about COVID?
A: This is a tough one. As you can imagine, pandemic times have been hard on all traveling musicians. As someone who travels from place to place, I feel great responsibility to be respectful of the guidelines set in place on the National, State and City levels. You know how I feel about outdoor shows, but if that is the only option during this time, I am up for it. Early on I said I wouldn’t want to play for a room full of people wearing masks - but my mind has shifted on that. Especially since early on I thought it was all going to be over in a few months. Ultimately, I am for doing whatever it takes to play in an environment where everyone can feel safe and I don’t have to go back home with a guilty conscience wondering if I was part of a spreader event. And since things are always changing, it is hard to just have a hard line about what things should look like. So let’s chat.
Q: Will you stay at our house?
A: No way. You could be a total freak. Actually, I always ask for a hotel room because after being a people person all day, I need a place to go where I can turn it off and yell cuss words in the mirror.
Q: Do you play children’s birthday parties?
A: Of course, but for legal reasons I have to charge $100K
Q: Do you take requests in your concerts?
A: I most certainly do. I don’t always play them, but I will be happy to take them.